Please check your ego at the door; UDL and student feedback
Have you ever had that student who walks through the door and is so petrified of making a mistake because they don't want to look stupid? I mean, we all went through middle school, so whether or not we have had that student, I'm sure at some point in our lives we were that student. We somehow need to get those students to feel comfortable enough to take risks and to be able to make mistakes in front of their peers and not feel the need to immediately melt through the floor. How do we do that? Isn't that the million dollar question? Where'd he go? I don't think that there is one correct answer. Clearly we need to build relationships with our students. Relationships with students in many ways are like a partnership. And partnerships work best when there is feedback coming from both directions. I think that all too often we give and give and give feedback to students, but don't take enough time to listen to what they have...